Monday, July 7, 2008

What a Bargain!

So, we've been looking for a new chest of drawers for what seems like forever. I must be slow, but I just didn't realize how expensive they are, and the ones that aren't too expensive are poorly made. So two weeks ago, we had a garage sale for the Young Women to raise money for girls camp and Jason was in charge of moving the large items to the garage sale site (the joys of having a truck.) Well, long story short, he picked up this chest from someone who donated it and we went home with it for a mere $30 dollars. I am so excited. Jason and I gave our chest of drawers to the girls and we now use this one. It's a little worn in places so I think I am going to sand it and either paint it black or refinish it. Any suggestions? I am pretty excited to have a fun project and to have so many drawers.


JS said...

I like black if you are going to get a iron head board. or yellow.... well, I would do that. ;)

Zappe Family said...

What a great find! I love the new look to your blog!