Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We'll miss you!

Today was a sad day for us. Our good friends Aaron and Marilyn moved. They have been here in Torrance the entire time we've been here and we've had such a great time with them. It's especially hard since our kids are so close. Mason and Emily have been best buds for so long and Taylor and Lauren were just joining in the little crew. We are happy for them but we will miss them so much. The girls and I saw Marilyn and the kids almost everyday for one reason or another. It's going to tough to explain to Emily why Mason and Taylor aren't every we go. We always cherish good friends and we will always remember all the fun times we've had. And we know we will always find time to get our little families together. We love you guys!


Zappe Family said...

So...when I first glanced at this picture, I saw Emily and thought she was one of Kristin & Allen's kiddos. Crazy. Sorry about losing your friends. That's always hard to explain to the kiddos!

JS said...

Lisa... that is hard! Sorry! Maybe a new family will move in. :)