Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tag, Tag, Tag!!

So I got tagged twice this week but since I have sick kids I haven't had a chance to do them. So today I am getting caught up. This first tag is a Valentine Hubby Tag (I know it's a little late, but better late than never.)

What is his name? Jason Kent Polson

How long have you been marriend? 5 1/2 years

How long did you date? 1 year (but we had known each other for about 7 years)

How old is he? 27

Who eats more sweets? Easily me

Who said 'I love you first'? He did, but I wasn't too far behind

Who is taller? He is by a couple inches, let's face it, we didn't exactly give our kids the best height genes. But as Jason likes to tell us, "It's the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." (Cheezy, I know)

Who can sing better? Maybe about the same, he might be better

Who is smarter? I would like to think I am except for I am regularly getting beaten at Big Brain Academy, so you be the judge.

Who does the laundry? I do, only because I am a freak about stains and what gets dried or not. But I will say that he is an excellent folder, which is the part I hate the most. Great combination.

Who pays the bills? I do, but he makes the money of course

Who sleeps on the right side on the bed? Jason

Who mows the lawn? Unfortunately no one right now. But I am pretty sure that's one thing I will never get to do. I don't think he'll give that one up. Fine by me.

Who cooks dinner? I do, but he always helps especially if there's potatos to be peeled or cheese to be grated, these are his specialities.

Who drives? He does

Who kissed who first? He kissed me first :)

Who is more stubborn? Probably me

Who asked out who first? He asked me out, after 7 years of knowing each other.

Who proposed? He did and he did a wonderful job I might add.

Who has more siblings? I win 8 to 5.

Who wears the pants? Weird question. I think we do a pretty good job of sharing.

Ok that was a long one. I not sure if I pass on the Valentines Tag but I'll tag Amberli and Amy D. and let them decide.

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