Friday, December 11, 2009

Pre-Holiday, Pre-school Events!

Emily's cute preschool had a couple of fun holiday events. Right before Thanksgiving they put on the cutest program. They had a poem they recited and a couple of songs to sing, complete with costume. It was so fun. I was impressed by how well the kids knew their stuff. The teachers had obviously worked hard with them. And then, the last day of preschool before Christmas break, a special visitor came to see the kids. You should have seen their faces....some sheer joy and some sheer terror...when the man in the red suit came in. They all got a chance to sit on his lap and tell him all their Christmas wished!! Since I got to work that day at school, Lauren got to come with me. She had the most dramatic look of terror when he came in. I wish I had it on camera. Priceless. She had nothing to do with him.
Emily and her friend!
Emily and the cutest Santa ever.

Lauren loved being at preschool!!! Can't wait til next year!

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