Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our Seattle Visit!

Sorry we've been absent for a while, but we just returned from a wonderful visit to Seattle. It was chilly, rainy and cloudy. So perfect. Actually we had some really great sunny days too. We had a great time visiting family and old friends. It's never enough time but we were able to do lots of fun things. Sorry about the picture overload that follows but we just had lots to share. Just think there even things we did I forgot to take pictures of. We owe both our parents, family and friends a big thanks for making our trip so wonderful. Although we will miss being there for the holidays, it was fun to go at a time when it's not quite so crazy. Seattle is so beautiful and it will always be a special place for us.


Tara and Orlando said...

Next time you come you have to let us know so we can see your family. If even for an hour.

JS said...

SO glad you are back!