Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween. We had a great Halloween week. We had so many fun things going on. It started on Monday with our spooky story time at the library. The girls got to dress up and go knock on office doors in the library to get treats. Such a cute little program, they love it. Wednesday was our ward's trunk-0r-treat. Jason and I even got into the action and dressed up. Crazy, we found it was a little more fun that way. The party was a big hit and the girls scored in the candy department. Thursday, Emily got to dress up for pre-school and they had a little party.
Finally, on Friday, we went down to San Diego. We've never been able to join in on the Haynie festivities for Halloween since it's usually during the week. So this year, we took advantage of the Friday Halloween and went to their ward trunk-or-treat and followed that up with the ever popular Haynie Halloween party. We had a great time. We had great scones and lots of hot chocolate (although it was 85 degrees that day). Overall we had a great holiday and got great use out of our costumes. Emily got the award for "Most creative kids costume". She was so proud.


Zappe Family said... here's your pics! So, cute...seriously! I'm impressed you got Jason to wear tights!

Luisa said...

I still am way impressed with your skills...even if you try to downplay it:) Your fam looked so cute all matching like that.

Whitney said...

Cute! I love them!

Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

I love your family outfits. I love them. So cute!