Monday, April 7, 2008

And she's off...

Ready, set, go! Lauren is all of the sudden a crazy walker. She has been taking steps for a couple of weeks but all of the sudden in the last few days she has just taken off. She is so INDEPENDENT! She won't hold your hand, hold the wall, or go the way your going. She has to do everything by herself. It's a little scary because I thought Emily was really indenpendent but she's nothing compared to Lauren. She's already had more bumps and bruises than Emily has ever had because she just goes non-stop and wants to go the same speed as Emily. I have to admit that I am excited to not have to scrub the knees of all her clothes anymore but I know this is going to be a crazy adventure with her. She goes so fast I have a hard time setting her up and getting back to take the picture.


Zappe Family said...

Congrats! That's so fun. She looks so cute! Now your adventures will never cease! We're almost there with Allison...I say 1 more month and she'll be off to the races too!

JS said...

She looks so happy to be walking! I am excited for you, but I think...

... we are IN FOR IT! Do you remember when we would get together when I was down there and our kids would just veg in their strollers and Emily was the only one running into signs? :) We are going to have to stay in an enclosed space this time! :) We are so excited to be closer to you guys!

Joanne said...

RUN Lauren RUN!

Julie said...

Your kids are so cute!!! Oliver just took his first real steps today. I like it when they are not so moble. Are you guys coming home this summer at all?

wendy_d23 said...

Wow, two kids to chase around, makes me tired just thinking about it. Good luck. She is so cute, I love that big smile!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Placa de VĂ­deo, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Zappe Family said...

Hey Lisa. I saw that random comment above on your blog and am assuming it's from a total stranger?? Just FYI...that's why on our blog, we have people post with the word verification so that random comments like that don't come through. I've often wondered about posting and making the blog private too, but haven't gone that far yet. Okay...enough already...just thought I'd let you know...and I was thinking about you guys today!!! Totally miss you!