Monday, September 15, 2008

I've been tagged....

So Jill tagged me and I am supposed to share 6 random things about me. I always have a hard time thinking of what to share but here goes......

1. I love to read. Lately I have been very into memiors. For some reason I find reading about other people's life experiences fascinating. I have read some really great ones in the past few months. Most of them left me very grateful for the life I have.

2. I am a little bit of a procrastinater. Always have been. I like to use the excuse that I think I'm better under pressure (but I think I just always start late.) Good news though, everything always gets done and I'm working on it so hopefully I am getting better.

3. I love almost any sporting event. Being raised with 5 brothers did that to me. I love to watch football, basketball, tennis, swimming, volleyball and yes, even golf. I don't really enjoy baseball on t.v. but I do love a game in person. All time favorite event: March Madness. Jason and I fill out our brackets every year and have a little competition. And the best part is, that I even enjoy playing most sports. I am always up for a little competitive activity! So fun!

4. I am a little crazy about laundry. I am a pre-soak, pre-stain treatment fanatic. I HATE stains, especially on my kids clothes. We have lots and lots of clothes that I don't like to be dried. Shrinking messes up everything. Being so weird about laundry means that I have to do it myself. Jason's off the hook on this one. I'm not really proud of this, it's just the way I am I guess. I do not mind the washing part of laundry, but I do not enjoy folding or putting away. ( I was reminded of this little tidbit because I am in the middle of laundry right now.)

5. I miss SEASONS! Being raised in Seattle (with plenty of weather), I miss having a little variety. I especially miss when the weather starts to get a little chilly in the fall and it's time to bust out the warm weather clothes. Just so you know, it's 88 degrees today in Torrance. Not exactly fall weather. I shouldn't complain because we are blessed with beautiful weather most all the time but I just long for a cloudy, Seattle-like day every once and a while! The grass is always greener right?

6. I feel so lucky to have the family I have. Cheesy, I know. Not just my wonderful husband and cute girls, but my parents, Jason's parents, our siblings, and extended family. We are so blessed. The more I am out and about in the world the more I realize how fortunate we are to have all the love and support we do. Not to mention, I have fabulous friends too, old and new.

Ok, so that's that. I will pass on the pleasure and tag Whitney, Luisa and Kim. You know who you are!!!

1 comment:

Zappe Family said...

Fun...thanks for playing along. I actually knew all of those things about you! Thanks again for doing my laundry for me many times too! And...I do know about your procrastination always stressed me out, but you always came through in the end. :)

I just saw the email you sent with Shelbie's info. Funny you sent that...she had just contacted me a few days before you sent that email and I left a comment on her blog for her to check you and Christy out too. Great minds...